Monday, January 19, 2009

I Pledge

I have not seen such hope and enthusiasm among the people of this nation since John F Kennedy was elected President in 1960. I am not so naive as to think that every person in this country is as hopeful and enthusiastic as others. However, it seems to me that this hope is spreading like rich, soft butter on warm, home made bread, and once you get a taste of the goodness of it, you want more and you want others to taste the deliciousness of it too.

I've been watching news programs or listening to the televised celebrations going on all over this country. The songs, the joyous words, and tears of hope for a better America have affected me more than I would have ever thought.

I'm in love with the thought that maybe, just maybe the people of this nation and the whole world are beginning a spiritual shift that is bringing the realization that we are one people who, like the flowers of the fields, have many colors, sizes, shapes and needs. Alone, we are unique and beautiful in our own way; gathering together, if we stand back and look with open eyes, we will see the exquisite beauty this blending can create.

President Obama strongly believes this, and has asked, throughout his campaign, that we believe it too, and to pledge, individually, to contribute in any way we can, to making this nation one of exquisite beauty. He is not talking exclusively of money, although it is crucial, he is speaking of trusting in our greatness, giving of our time, speaking out of our belief in the innate goodness of every human being, being willing to get our hands dirty to help our neighbors, cities and states, putting our families first; not with "things", but constructive time spent together; talking, laughing, reading, playing, teaching, working, volunteering to help others.

Tonight, I heard a black man, waiting for tomorrow's inauguration, make a profound pledge. This quote may not be exact, but close. He said, with great emotion "Barack Obama has given me hope for the first time in my life. Tonight I pledge to be an American, for I no longer have the need to be an African-American." The cheers his words arose, from the crowd of many colors, told me that he is not alone in this.

Obama is not perfect; certainly mistakes will be made; his enemies will try to bring him down; critics will take pleasure at picking him apart. Regardless of this, he is our President and I, for one, pledge to be an American first, supporting our Commander-in-Chief in his sincere desire to bring this country back to being the most respected, powerful, generous, well educated, and prosperous nation in the world. I have the utmost faith that this successful journey begins at noon on Tuesday in Washington DC, United States of America, with every citizen. Together, we can do it!!!

Peace and blessing to all........................

1 comment:

Tara Bennett said...

I'm so glad Michelle sent me over here. What lovely imagery and words. You are a wonderful writer and a great citizen. God bless our new president and may hope continue to blossom in each of us to lead us to a better tomorrow!