Today is my only Grandson, Eric's, 26th birthday. I hope Mushy Oatmeal, his Mom, will forgive me, but I have to tell the amazing story of his entrance into this world.
Three days before Eric was born, I was in the hospital undergoing a Dusting and Cleaning, otherwise known as a D&C by all of us female creatures who have ever had severe problems with an obstinate uterus. I had a little complication, so the good Doctor kept me for a couple of days before releasing me. My three daugters and I were living in a two story townhouse with the bedrooms located on the second floor. I came home from the hospital feeling pretty weak so I decided I would sleep on the sofa that night, not having the energy to climb those stairs.
I slept fitfully but finally drifted off into the bliss of unconciousness sometime during the night. I awoke to the sound of muffled crying coming from upstairs and, in the fogginess of waking up, wondered if one of the girls was sick or had missed her ride to school. (They did not like to miss school, my brilliant little darlings) Even though I was not feeling my usual energetic self, I was concerned so I literally crawled up the steps to find out what the tears were all about.
I reached the landing and could see my lovely daughter sitting on the "john", sobbing. I managed to get up, go in and sit on the edge of the tub, put my arm around her shoulder and ask, "What's wrong............are you OK?" With great difficulty, she replied, "I'm going to have a baby!" I could hear the heartbreaking note of fear in her voice that this might not be acceptable. I wrapped my arms around her saying, "It's Ok, I love you. You are not the first or the last girl this has ever happened to and I will help you. Don't worry, we will take care of everything together." Then I asked, "When are you going to have this baby?" "Today." she quietly said, between shudders of tears. "Today? Today?", I said, in complete shock and disbelief. "Are you sure?" "Yes", she said, "My water broke."
Oh, my God, did my energy perk up at that moment! As I was thinking to myself, "How could I not have seen this?", I was rushing to the phone to get help. I called my place of work, asking to speak to my good friend, June. Obviously, I was very emotional, as I told her that my daughter was going to have a baby. June replied with the same "It's Ok, this happens to lots of girls, it will be allright" speech I had just given. She then asked, "When?" I replied, "Today, can you help us? I need someone to get her to the hospital, ASAP, her water broke".
"Jesus!" she said, "Let me talk to Jim (my fabulous, fabulous boss, at the time) and I will be there in fifteen minutes." She told Jim of my need, he told her to get going, no questioned asked. She quickly arrived at my house, loaded Mushy into her car and headed for St Lukes. Meantime, I called my family in Pocatello, Mushy's dad, another friend in Boise, and my daughter's workplace, to tell them this surprising news. Same reaction............NO ONE knew!! It broke my heart to think she went through nine months of pregnancy alone, keeping this to herself.
Since I was still feeling weak and the road conditions were terrible that Winter, the friend I called after June left with M, agreed to give me time to shower and dress, after insisting she come to my home and drive me to the hospital.
I was in a dither as I called everyone, telling them this news, along with the fact that we didn't have a diaper, formula, a bottle, a blanket, sleepers................absolutely nothing for a baby. "I just can't worry about these trivial little things now", I thought, "I just need to get to my daughter's side, to help her through this." My friends spent the whole day at the hospital with me, as we waited for the birth, offering support and comfort to me and my daughter.
I should have known, I had no need to worry. While the labor process was going on at the hospital, my family and friends sprang into action. Unknown to me at the time, my Mom and sisters met at the Mall in Pocatello to have a Baby Shower, and my friends, Karen and MaryAnn, (who took me to the hospital) called the AFL-CIO office where they worked, and my brother Bob was President, sending word that I needed help with anything for a baby. By the time Eric was born that day, people had donated blankets, baby quilts, diapers, a crib, money.............it was amazing! The next morning, my Mom climbed aboard a passenger train, with suitcases full of clothes, lotions, bottles, blankets, sleepers.........everything a baby would need, arriving in the late afternoon to bring the surprise shower gifts.
What an exciting and wonderous time for my daughter, my family, my friends. When I told my other kids about Eric, they were so happy and excited. You would have thought it was Christmas for them, all over again. The love, caring, and unselfish giving from family, friends and co-workers was more than any person could ever hope for in a lifetime. All of this and the most beautiful little baby boy to love. He was, and still is, a true gift from God, meant just for this family, who loves him dearly. I know that I love him with all of my heart and am very proud of him and the fantastic man he is today!!
Did the circumstances of his birth make any difference to anyone? Absolutely not! Unconditional love is ALL that matters in this world and the next. The surprises in life are, indeed, wonderful!
Love you Mushy Oatmeal....................................and, Happy 26th , my handsome Eric!
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