Saturday, March 29, 2008

This Week in Moscow

This has indeed been a very long week, the one where I work six days. Every day has had some kind of personnel challenge or other. I've been "Mom", the Priest, the psychologist, the shoulder to cry on, the mean old bee-och, (hehe), and the referee.

In addition, Spring only lasted for one day. "Spring has sprung and the grass has grizz. Wonder where the sunshine is?" It is certainly not in the Great Northwest, that's for sure. Snow, ice, wind, closed roads and schools. Where the hell IS that little lamb hiding? You know, the one who is supposed to take March out. I'm certain I am not alone in longing for blue skies, warm breezes, chirping birds, and colorful flowers, eager to pop their pretty little heads through the blanket of earth which has kept them warm throughout their winter slumber.

I am actually anxious to Spring clean, to open my windows and allow the fresh air to flow through my house while I do some scrubbing and painting and, to maybe even get my hands into the musky earth outdoors. My mind is full of energy for these tasks. Whether my body follows suit, is a wait and see situation. Does Winter really make a person insane?

Meanwhile, I will think of the things that have made me happy this past week. Such as:

Getting my income tax return completed and filed.
Getting a nice refund from both Federal and State. Wahoo!
Buying fluffy new pillows for my beds,and actually finding them comfortable.
Finding a dog food that all four dogs like.
Getting a new 2ND Assistant Manager at my store who is a dream come true.
Getting a month's worth of ironing finished.
Winning enough from a scratch-off ticket to pay for a new ink cartridge.
Reading family blogs, some with new pictures of Carter, my great grandson.
Getting my "Conversations With God" books returned and learning the person I
lent them to, loved them.

Hmmm.....ain't been that bad, huh?

Amen and Hallelujah! Life is indeed good after all! It's All Good

1 comment:

CreativeMish said...

When we sit down and really think about it.. There are many things to be happy about...

Hey.. I tag you.. read my blog for the rules