Sunday, March 23, 2008

What I Did for Easter

My favorites memories of Easters Past are when my kids were very young and we, like millions of others, would color and decorate the eggs. Their father and I would take them outside and hide them everywhere on the adre of ground we owned then. It was as exciting for us (the parents) to watch them scurry all over the place, looking for these little colored treasures to fill their baskets, as it was for our kids.

The kids are grown, with kids of their own, doing their own family things today. Yesterday, I was remembering these fun times, wanting to relive the coloring of the eggs an so forth, but here I am, in Moscow, ID, with no little people to do this with so I decided to do some coloring anyway.

Do you remember the Easter song whose lyrics started out with.."In my Easter bonnet, with all the frill upon it..? Well here is my new Easter bonnet, and I colored it myself. Compare it to my Profile hat which took years to create. My new hat took a couple of hours:

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